Dr. Jennifer Lewin CV |
Dr. Jennifer Lewin
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Haifa
199 Abba Khoushy Avenue, Haifa, Israel 3498838
Email: [email protected]
[Updated February 19, 2020]
Current Employment:
2016- Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Haifa, Israel
Previous Positions:
2012-2015 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of English and School of Theology, Sewanee
2008-2012 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of English and Writing Program, Boston University
2007-2019 Faculty, Sewanee School of Letters (summer M.A/M.F.A Program)
2001-2007 Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Kentucky
2000-2001 Visiting Instructor, Sewanee
2002 Yale University, Ph.D., Department of English
1997 Yale University, M. Phil., Department of English1996 Yale University, M. A., Department of English
1994 Brandeis University, B.A. in English with minors in Art History and Philosophy Graduated magna cum laude with highest honors in English
Grants and Awards:
2019- COST-Action (EU) Management Committee, Project on Academic Writing
2016-2019 Fellowship, Israel Ministry of Absorption of Immigrant Scientists
2010 Academic Enrichment Fund Grant, Boston University
2006 Summer Research Grant, University of Kentucky
2005 Fulbright Scholar, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (declined)
2004 Faculty Award, Southern Regional Educational Board
2004 Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, University of Kentucky ($6000)
2004 International Travel Grant, University of Kentucky ($3000)
2001-03 Grants-in-Aid, University of Kentucky
2001 Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, University of Kentucky
2000 Andrew Mellon Seminar at Penn State University, Research Grant ($2500)
1998-99 Andrew Mellon Dissertation Fellowship
1998 Evelyn K. Enders Summer Grant
1997 Folger Institute at the Folger Shakespeare Library, Research Grant ($3000)
1996 Andrew Mellon Pre-Dissertation Grant
1995 C. Dunkle Scholarship, Latin & Greek Institute, GC-CUNY
1995-2000 Yale Fellowship
1994-95 Andrew Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies
1994 Dorothy Mayer Award for B. A. Thesis
Editor and contributor, Never Again Would Birds' Song Be the Same: Essays on Early
Modern and Modern Poetry in Honor of John Hollander (Hanover, NH: UPNE, 2002). Original contributions by David Bromwich, John Watkins, John Rogers, Lee Edelman, J. D. McClatchy, Stephen Cushman, Joan Richardson, Cornelia Pearsall, David Greetham, Hannibal Hamlin, and David Mikics.
Books in Progress:
Editor and co-author, with John Hollander, Representative Cats: An Annotated Anthology.
Essays and Articles:
"Sleep, Moral Agency, and Narrative Control in A Midsummer Night’s Dream," in
Forming Sleep, eds. Nancy Simpson-Younger and Margaret Simon. Penn State University Press, April 2020.
"Explaining John: Digression is the Better Part of Valor," Spenser Review, January 2014.
"In Memoriam: John Hollander," Literary Matters 6.3 (Fall 2013): 15.
"Milton's Sonnets and the Sonnet Tradition," Approaches to Teaching Milton's Shorter
Poems and Prose, ed. Peter C. Herman (New York: Modern Language Association, 2007), pp. 80-88.
"Murdering Sleep in Macbeth: The Mental World of the Protagonist," Shakespeare
International Yearbook (2005): 181-188.
"'Your Actions are My Dreams': Sleepy Minds in Shakespeare's Last Plays." Shakespeare
Studies 31 (2003): 180-204.
"'Honorable Visions' in the Eighteenth-Century English Lyric." The Dream
and the Enlightenment: International Eighteenth-Century Studies 7, ed. Bernard Dieterle and Manfred Engel (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2002), pp. 277-88.
"Introduction" and "Audible Ecphrasis" in Never Again Would Birds' Song Be the Same,
ed. Jennifer Lewin (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2002).
"Poetry and the New Criticism." A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry in English,
ed. Neil Roberts (Cambridge: Blackwell, 2001), pp. 147-62. Co-written with
Stephen Burt.
"The Janus-Face of Early Modern Literary Studies: Negotiating the Boundaries of
Interactivity in an Electronic Journal for the Humanities,” with Paul Dyck, Ray Siemens, and Joanne Woolway Grenfell. Text Technology 9.2 (1999): 45-62.
Book reviews:
Dreams, Sleep, and Shakespeare’s Genres, by Claude Fretz. (Palgrave, 2020), Renaissance Quarterly, forthcoming
Arcadia, Sir Philip Sidney, eds. Charles Ross and Joel B. Davis (Parlor Press, 2017),
Sidney Journal, forthcoming
Dream in Shakespeare, Marjorie Garber, 2nd edition. Renaissance Quarterly 69 (2016):
Sleep, Romance, and Human Embodiment: Vitality from Spenser to Milton, by Garrett A.
Sullivan, Jr. South Atlantic Review 78.3-4 (2013): 180-183.
Dreaming the English Renaissance, by Carole Levin, Shakespeare Studies 39 (2011):
Reading the Jewish Woman on the Elizabethan Stage, by Michelle Ephraim, Renaissance
Quarterly 64.2 (2010): 687-89.
Forgetting in Early Modern English Literature and Culture: Lethe's Legacy, eds.
Christopher Ivic and Grant Williams, Renaissance Quarterly 60.4 (2007): 1455-57.
Feminist Companion to Shakespeare, ed. Dympna Callaghan, Shakespeare Quarterly
54 (Fall 2003): 336-38.
The Complete Poems of William Empson, ed. John Haffenden. ANQ 15 (2002): 48-50.
"Geoffrey Hill's Canaan." Boston Review. February-March 1999: 63.
"James Longenbach's Threshold and Modern Poetry After Modernism." Boston
Review. November-December 1998: 62.
"Carl Phillips’ From the Devotions"; "David Wojahn’s Falling Hour"; and "John
Koethe’s Falling Water." Boston Review. Summer 1998: 63.
Peer-edited encyclopedia entries:
"Song," Co-authored with Stephanie Burt. Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory,
Oxford Reference Online. [8000 words]
"Character" and "Dreams." Stanford Global Access Shakespeare, ed. Patricia Parker,
Stanford University Press. 1500 words each. Forthcoming.
"Dreams and the Middle Ages," Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams, ed. Patrick
McNamara and Deidre Barrett (ABC-CLIO), 2000 words. 2012.
"Sonnet" and "Palindrome." Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics: Fourth
Edition, ed. Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman (Princeton: PUP, 2012).
"Irving Feldman" and "Delmore Schwartz," pp. 233-39 and pp. 515-20 of Contemporary
Jewish Dramatists and Poets: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook, ed. Joel Shatsky and
Michael Taub (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999).
"Ariadne," Raritan Quarterly Review, Summer 2009, p.1.
Invited Lectures:
“Revision,” Israeli Forum for Academic Writing, February 2021
“Walt Whitman and the Postcolonial Poetics of Ishion Hutchinson,” Poetry Now, TAU,
May 2019
“Shakespeare and the Psalms,” The Bible in the Renaissance, Israel Institute for Advanced
Studies, 2017
"The Bible as Literature in Comic Book Form: Abraham and Sarah," Harvard University, 2016
"Ancient Origins of Dreams in Early Modern Lyric,” Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature, University of Haifa, 2016 (in Hebrew)
"The Origins of Dreams in Early Modern English Love Lyric: Two Examples from Spenser’s
Amoretti," Department of English Annual Colloquium, University of Haifa, 2016
"Music and Song in Renaissance Lyric Poetry," Harvard University, 2015
"The Wild Work of Dreaming in Milton’s Paradise Lost,” English Department, University of
Haifa 2014
"Milton’s Sonnet 19 and Book 8 of Paradise Lost," Department of English, Centre College, 2014
"Writing on and Reading Spenser Now," Harvard University, Renaissance Colloquium, 2009
"Milton Studies Today," Harvard, Roundtable on John Milton, 2008
"Anticipating the Endings of Songs and Lyric Poems," Association of Literary Scholars and
Critics, 2008
"Empson and Others’ Minds," Harvard, William Empson Symposium, 2006
"Harry Berger, Jr.’s Art of Describing," USC Conference on Harry Berger, Jr., 2006
"Lyric and Lyricism in A Midsummer Night’s Dream," Shakespeare Association of
America (SAA), 2006
"Empson and the English Renaissance," Renaissance Colloquium, Harvard, 2005
"Sloth and Idleness in Renaissance Thought and Art," Newberry Library, Seminar in Early
Modern Magic, 2005
"Milton, Self-Knowledge, and Dreaming," Newberry Library Milton Seminar, 2003
Plenary Address:
"'The ligation of sense, but the liberty of reason': Dreaming in Renaissance Prose,"
Renaissance Prose Conference, Purdue University, 2002
Conference Papers:
"What did Jane Austen Learn from Shakespeare?" Department Colloquium, Haifa, May 2018
"A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Bottom’s New Testament," Department Colloquium, Haifa,
May 2017
"Living in More Than One Dimension in Robert Penn Warren’s Poetry," Poetry Now
Symposium, Tel Aviv University, December 2016
"Dreaming of the Beloved in Spenser’s Amoretti," Sixteenth-Century Studies, Bruges, 2016
"Lyric Poetry and Dreams," Department Colloquium, Haifa, 2016
"The Late Style of Robert Penn Warren’s Lyrics," American Literature Association (ALA), 2014
"Sleeping and Dreaming in the Sonnets," Shakespeare Association of America (SAA), 2013
"Ethical Action and Thought in The Faerie Queene," Renaissance Society of America (RSA),
"Falstaff and the Psalms," SAA, 2012
"Teaching Dreams in The Odyssey," Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers, 2011
"Moral Character in Spenser," International Spenser Society Session, MLA, 2009
"Who is the Character of the Narrator in the Mutabilitie Cantos?", Annual Meeting of the British
and Irish Spenser Seminar, Kilkenny and Ormond Castles, Ireland, 2009
"The Letter to Ralegh: Reading Spenser Now," RSA, 2009
"'By deep surmise of others' detriment': Mimesis in The Rape of Lucrece," RSA, 2008
"About Suffering: Picturing Emotions in Lessing's Laocoon," ALSCW, 2007
"Empson's Voice of Reason," ALSCW, 2006
"Tragic Character," RSA, 2006
"Traumatic Comedies," Invited Participant and Respondent, SAA, 2005
"Sleep and Shame in The Faerie Queene," RSA, 2004
"Sleeping Heroes in The Faerie Queene," MLA, 2003
"Catastrophe and Fate in Shakespearean Romance," Invited Participant, SAA, 2003
"Dreaming and Agency in Shakespeare's Last Plays," RSA, Toronto, 2003
"Empson's Macbeth," MLA, 2002
"Auditory Power in Comus," International Milton Symposium, Beaufort, SC, 2002
"What I See From Where I Stand: Spatiality and Ethics in the Poetry of Robert
Penn Warren," Annual Conference on Robert Penn Warren, WKU, 2002
"Ghosts, Visions, and Dreams in Hamlet and The Atheists' Tragedy," Kentucky
Philological Society, 2002
"Is Revenge Ever Justified in Shakespearean Tragedy?" SAA, 2002
"Performing Revenge in The Atheists' Tragedy," Annual Conference of Medieval,
Renaissance and Baroque Studies, University of Miami, 2002
"Empson on Donne," MLA, 2001
"Sonnets and Visual Memory," International Spenser Conference, 2001
"The Character Issue in Shakespearean Romance," SAA, 2001
"Dreaming as a Rite of Passage in The Faerie Queene" and "Warren's Long Lines in the
Late Lyrics," MLA, 2000
"Shadowing Lucretius in Paradise Lost," MLA, 1999
"Representations of Dreaming from Preromantic to Romantic Poetry," International
Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS), Dublin, Ireland, 1999
"'Such Tricks Hath Strong Imagination': Agency, Seduction, and Dream Theaters
in The Faerie Queene," RSA, 1999 (an abstract appeared in Spenser Newsletter 30.2 [1999]: 34.)
"Erotic Dreams in Lyrics of Donne and Jonson," Annual Conference of Medieval,
Renaissance and Baroque Studies, University of Miami, 1999
"The Historical Ideal in the Late Poetry of Robert Penn Warren," Panel Arranged by the
Robert Penn Warren Circle at the ALA, Baltimore, 1999
"Jorie Graham's Philosophy of Language," Conference on Innovation and Tradition in
Contemporary Poetry, Barnard College, April 1999
"The Janus-Face of Early Modern Literary Studies: Negotiating the Boundaries of
Interactivity in an Electronic Journal for the Humanities," Oxford University, 1997
"'To Make Dreams Truths, and Fables Histories': Dreaming in The Faerie
Queene," Conference on Sleep, Dreams, and Visions, Toronto, 1997
"The Spectacle of Music in the Jonsonian Masque," SAA, 1995
2020- Co-chair of Peoplehood, Boston-Haifa Partnership, Combined Jewish Philanthropies
2019-2020 Education Board, Boston-Haifa Partnership, Combined Jewish Philanthropies
2019-2020 Committee member, Essay Prize, Department of English, University of Haifa
2017 Co-organizer, Poetry Now, University of Haifa (with Tel Aviv University)
2016-2017 Co-organizer, Renaissance Poetry and the Bible, Israel Institute for Advanced Study
2016- Judge, Liz Miller Prize in Creative Writing, University of Haifa
2015-2017 Judge, Annual Non-Fiction Competition for the Chestatee Review
2014-2015 Judge, Southern Literary Festival: Formal Essay Category
2012-2015 Judge, Daniel Prize in Expository Writing, Sewanee
2009-2010 Faculty Issues Committee, Boston University, Writing Program
2008-2009 Pilot Program for Portfolio Teaching, BU, Writing Program
2007 Undergraduate Committee, Department of English, University of Kentucky (UK)
2006-2007 Graduate Committee, Department of English, UK
2005-2007 Hiring Committees in Renaissance, Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Lit, UK
2004-2007 Committee on Scholarships in the College of Arts and Sciences, UK
2002-05 Junior Faculty Representative, Departmental Executive Committee, UK
2002-04 Committee on Faculty Merit Evaluation Reviews, UK
2001-03, 2006 Co-Director, Job Placement Committee, UK
2001-2007 Judaic Studies Afflilate; Judge, Luckens Prize in International Jewish Thought, UK
2002-2007 Executive Committee, Center for Renaissance Studies, Newberry Library
2003-2007 Co-Chair, Romance and Epic Seminar, Newberry Library
1999-2002 Spenser Review, contributing editor
1997-2000 Medieval-Renaissance Colloquium, Co-Coordinator, Yale University
Teaching experience
Literature and Composition
Academic Writing I and II
Advanced Non-Fiction
Introduction to Literature: Poetry and Drama
Major Authors from Homer to Dante
Bible as Literature
Introduction to British Literature
William Shakespeare
Marriage in Shakespeare and Jane Austen
John Donne
Early Modern Poetry and the Bible
Renaissance Love Poetry
Poetry and Theory of Seventeenth-Century England
John Milton
Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Victorian Novel
Love and Marriage in Victorian Literature
Philip Pullman
Contemporary Poetry
Representing Dreams from Genesis to Inception
Mental Illness and Literature: Advanced Writing
Bible as Literature
Introduction to Graduate Studies
Biblical Hebrew
John Milton
Early Modern Poetry and the Bible
Milton's Visionary Influence from Romanticism to Philip Pullman
Nineteenth-Century American Poetry
The Victorian Novel
Word and Image
Modern American Poetry
Modern American Fiction
Modern British Poetry
American Expatriates
Virginia Woolf
Contemporary Postcolonial Lyric Poetry
Perceptions of Disease and Aging in Literature
Hebrew, Latin, French, and Spanish
Referee for:
Ashgate, McGraw Hill, Longman, Routledge, Twentieth-Century Literature
MA Exam supervision (Haifa): Elizabeth Tay
MA Theses supervision:
Ola Salem, “Twelfth Night and Same-Sex Friendship,” Arab Academic College, Haifa, 2018-2020
Athar ElHaleem, “Gender Trouble in Twelfth Night,” Arab Academic College, Haifa, 2018-2020
Narjes Awad, “Cross-dressing in Twelfth Night,” Arab Academic College, Haifa, 2016-2017
Lee Daniels, “Travel and Identity in the Early Poems of James Merrill,” Sewanee School
of Letters, 2019
Jayne Bibb, “Gardens in the English Novel,” Sewanee School of Letters, 2017
Fran Ula, "The Art of the Catalog, Poetic Vocation, and Self-Doubt in ‘Song of Myself,’"
Sewanee School of Letters, 2016
Dillon Stevens, "Philo and the Gospel of Mark," Sewanee School of Letters and School of Theology,
Catherine Louise Kennedy, "Satire and Letter-Writing in Tobias Smollett," Sewanee School of
Letters, 2015
2020-- PhD candidate, University of St Andrews, Scotland
Emily Roberson Wallace, "Birds in the Novels of the Brontes and Charles Dickens," Sewanee
School of Letters, 2014 –article excerpted from the thesis appeared in Bronte Studies 41 (2016)
Donna Brewer, "Dame Judi Dench: The Early Years," Sewanee School of Letters, 2014
Article excerpted from the thesis appeared in Shakespeare Newsletter
2018—Assistant Professor, Motlow State College, Tennessee
Cory Robinson, "Magic and the Feminine in Contemporary Science Fiction," Sewanee School
of Letters, 2013
2018-- Assistant Professor at Kutztown University, Pennsylvania, USA
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Haifa
199 Abba Khoushy Avenue, Haifa, Israel 3498838
Email: [email protected]
[Updated February 19, 2020]
Current Employment:
2016- Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Haifa, Israel
Previous Positions:
2012-2015 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of English and School of Theology, Sewanee
2008-2012 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of English and Writing Program, Boston University
2007-2019 Faculty, Sewanee School of Letters (summer M.A/M.F.A Program)
2001-2007 Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Kentucky
2000-2001 Visiting Instructor, Sewanee
2002 Yale University, Ph.D., Department of English
1997 Yale University, M. Phil., Department of English1996 Yale University, M. A., Department of English
1994 Brandeis University, B.A. in English with minors in Art History and Philosophy Graduated magna cum laude with highest honors in English
Grants and Awards:
2019- COST-Action (EU) Management Committee, Project on Academic Writing
2016-2019 Fellowship, Israel Ministry of Absorption of Immigrant Scientists
2010 Academic Enrichment Fund Grant, Boston University
2006 Summer Research Grant, University of Kentucky
2005 Fulbright Scholar, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (declined)
2004 Faculty Award, Southern Regional Educational Board
2004 Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, University of Kentucky ($6000)
2004 International Travel Grant, University of Kentucky ($3000)
2001-03 Grants-in-Aid, University of Kentucky
2001 Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, University of Kentucky
2000 Andrew Mellon Seminar at Penn State University, Research Grant ($2500)
1998-99 Andrew Mellon Dissertation Fellowship
1998 Evelyn K. Enders Summer Grant
1997 Folger Institute at the Folger Shakespeare Library, Research Grant ($3000)
1996 Andrew Mellon Pre-Dissertation Grant
1995 C. Dunkle Scholarship, Latin & Greek Institute, GC-CUNY
1995-2000 Yale Fellowship
1994-95 Andrew Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies
1994 Dorothy Mayer Award for B. A. Thesis
Editor and contributor, Never Again Would Birds' Song Be the Same: Essays on Early
Modern and Modern Poetry in Honor of John Hollander (Hanover, NH: UPNE, 2002). Original contributions by David Bromwich, John Watkins, John Rogers, Lee Edelman, J. D. McClatchy, Stephen Cushman, Joan Richardson, Cornelia Pearsall, David Greetham, Hannibal Hamlin, and David Mikics.
Books in Progress:
Editor and co-author, with John Hollander, Representative Cats: An Annotated Anthology.
Essays and Articles:
"Sleep, Moral Agency, and Narrative Control in A Midsummer Night’s Dream," in
Forming Sleep, eds. Nancy Simpson-Younger and Margaret Simon. Penn State University Press, April 2020.
"Explaining John: Digression is the Better Part of Valor," Spenser Review, January 2014.
"In Memoriam: John Hollander," Literary Matters 6.3 (Fall 2013): 15.
"Milton's Sonnets and the Sonnet Tradition," Approaches to Teaching Milton's Shorter
Poems and Prose, ed. Peter C. Herman (New York: Modern Language Association, 2007), pp. 80-88.
"Murdering Sleep in Macbeth: The Mental World of the Protagonist," Shakespeare
International Yearbook (2005): 181-188.
"'Your Actions are My Dreams': Sleepy Minds in Shakespeare's Last Plays." Shakespeare
Studies 31 (2003): 180-204.
"'Honorable Visions' in the Eighteenth-Century English Lyric." The Dream
and the Enlightenment: International Eighteenth-Century Studies 7, ed. Bernard Dieterle and Manfred Engel (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2002), pp. 277-88.
"Introduction" and "Audible Ecphrasis" in Never Again Would Birds' Song Be the Same,
ed. Jennifer Lewin (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2002).
"Poetry and the New Criticism." A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry in English,
ed. Neil Roberts (Cambridge: Blackwell, 2001), pp. 147-62. Co-written with
Stephen Burt.
"The Janus-Face of Early Modern Literary Studies: Negotiating the Boundaries of
Interactivity in an Electronic Journal for the Humanities,” with Paul Dyck, Ray Siemens, and Joanne Woolway Grenfell. Text Technology 9.2 (1999): 45-62.
Book reviews:
Dreams, Sleep, and Shakespeare’s Genres, by Claude Fretz. (Palgrave, 2020), Renaissance Quarterly, forthcoming
Arcadia, Sir Philip Sidney, eds. Charles Ross and Joel B. Davis (Parlor Press, 2017),
Sidney Journal, forthcoming
Dream in Shakespeare, Marjorie Garber, 2nd edition. Renaissance Quarterly 69 (2016):
Sleep, Romance, and Human Embodiment: Vitality from Spenser to Milton, by Garrett A.
Sullivan, Jr. South Atlantic Review 78.3-4 (2013): 180-183.
Dreaming the English Renaissance, by Carole Levin, Shakespeare Studies 39 (2011):
Reading the Jewish Woman on the Elizabethan Stage, by Michelle Ephraim, Renaissance
Quarterly 64.2 (2010): 687-89.
Forgetting in Early Modern English Literature and Culture: Lethe's Legacy, eds.
Christopher Ivic and Grant Williams, Renaissance Quarterly 60.4 (2007): 1455-57.
Feminist Companion to Shakespeare, ed. Dympna Callaghan, Shakespeare Quarterly
54 (Fall 2003): 336-38.
The Complete Poems of William Empson, ed. John Haffenden. ANQ 15 (2002): 48-50.
"Geoffrey Hill's Canaan." Boston Review. February-March 1999: 63.
"James Longenbach's Threshold and Modern Poetry After Modernism." Boston
Review. November-December 1998: 62.
"Carl Phillips’ From the Devotions"; "David Wojahn’s Falling Hour"; and "John
Koethe’s Falling Water." Boston Review. Summer 1998: 63.
Peer-edited encyclopedia entries:
"Song," Co-authored with Stephanie Burt. Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory,
Oxford Reference Online. [8000 words]
"Character" and "Dreams." Stanford Global Access Shakespeare, ed. Patricia Parker,
Stanford University Press. 1500 words each. Forthcoming.
"Dreams and the Middle Ages," Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams, ed. Patrick
McNamara and Deidre Barrett (ABC-CLIO), 2000 words. 2012.
"Sonnet" and "Palindrome." Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics: Fourth
Edition, ed. Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman (Princeton: PUP, 2012).
"Irving Feldman" and "Delmore Schwartz," pp. 233-39 and pp. 515-20 of Contemporary
Jewish Dramatists and Poets: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook, ed. Joel Shatsky and
Michael Taub (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999).
"Ariadne," Raritan Quarterly Review, Summer 2009, p.1.
Invited Lectures:
“Revision,” Israeli Forum for Academic Writing, February 2021
“Walt Whitman and the Postcolonial Poetics of Ishion Hutchinson,” Poetry Now, TAU,
May 2019
“Shakespeare and the Psalms,” The Bible in the Renaissance, Israel Institute for Advanced
Studies, 2017
"The Bible as Literature in Comic Book Form: Abraham and Sarah," Harvard University, 2016
"Ancient Origins of Dreams in Early Modern Lyric,” Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature, University of Haifa, 2016 (in Hebrew)
"The Origins of Dreams in Early Modern English Love Lyric: Two Examples from Spenser’s
Amoretti," Department of English Annual Colloquium, University of Haifa, 2016
"Music and Song in Renaissance Lyric Poetry," Harvard University, 2015
"The Wild Work of Dreaming in Milton’s Paradise Lost,” English Department, University of
Haifa 2014
"Milton’s Sonnet 19 and Book 8 of Paradise Lost," Department of English, Centre College, 2014
"Writing on and Reading Spenser Now," Harvard University, Renaissance Colloquium, 2009
"Milton Studies Today," Harvard, Roundtable on John Milton, 2008
"Anticipating the Endings of Songs and Lyric Poems," Association of Literary Scholars and
Critics, 2008
"Empson and Others’ Minds," Harvard, William Empson Symposium, 2006
"Harry Berger, Jr.’s Art of Describing," USC Conference on Harry Berger, Jr., 2006
"Lyric and Lyricism in A Midsummer Night’s Dream," Shakespeare Association of
America (SAA), 2006
"Empson and the English Renaissance," Renaissance Colloquium, Harvard, 2005
"Sloth and Idleness in Renaissance Thought and Art," Newberry Library, Seminar in Early
Modern Magic, 2005
"Milton, Self-Knowledge, and Dreaming," Newberry Library Milton Seminar, 2003
Plenary Address:
"'The ligation of sense, but the liberty of reason': Dreaming in Renaissance Prose,"
Renaissance Prose Conference, Purdue University, 2002
Conference Papers:
"What did Jane Austen Learn from Shakespeare?" Department Colloquium, Haifa, May 2018
"A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Bottom’s New Testament," Department Colloquium, Haifa,
May 2017
"Living in More Than One Dimension in Robert Penn Warren’s Poetry," Poetry Now
Symposium, Tel Aviv University, December 2016
"Dreaming of the Beloved in Spenser’s Amoretti," Sixteenth-Century Studies, Bruges, 2016
"Lyric Poetry and Dreams," Department Colloquium, Haifa, 2016
"The Late Style of Robert Penn Warren’s Lyrics," American Literature Association (ALA), 2014
"Sleeping and Dreaming in the Sonnets," Shakespeare Association of America (SAA), 2013
"Ethical Action and Thought in The Faerie Queene," Renaissance Society of America (RSA),
"Falstaff and the Psalms," SAA, 2012
"Teaching Dreams in The Odyssey," Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers, 2011
"Moral Character in Spenser," International Spenser Society Session, MLA, 2009
"Who is the Character of the Narrator in the Mutabilitie Cantos?", Annual Meeting of the British
and Irish Spenser Seminar, Kilkenny and Ormond Castles, Ireland, 2009
"The Letter to Ralegh: Reading Spenser Now," RSA, 2009
"'By deep surmise of others' detriment': Mimesis in The Rape of Lucrece," RSA, 2008
"About Suffering: Picturing Emotions in Lessing's Laocoon," ALSCW, 2007
"Empson's Voice of Reason," ALSCW, 2006
"Tragic Character," RSA, 2006
"Traumatic Comedies," Invited Participant and Respondent, SAA, 2005
"Sleep and Shame in The Faerie Queene," RSA, 2004
"Sleeping Heroes in The Faerie Queene," MLA, 2003
"Catastrophe and Fate in Shakespearean Romance," Invited Participant, SAA, 2003
"Dreaming and Agency in Shakespeare's Last Plays," RSA, Toronto, 2003
"Empson's Macbeth," MLA, 2002
"Auditory Power in Comus," International Milton Symposium, Beaufort, SC, 2002
"What I See From Where I Stand: Spatiality and Ethics in the Poetry of Robert
Penn Warren," Annual Conference on Robert Penn Warren, WKU, 2002
"Ghosts, Visions, and Dreams in Hamlet and The Atheists' Tragedy," Kentucky
Philological Society, 2002
"Is Revenge Ever Justified in Shakespearean Tragedy?" SAA, 2002
"Performing Revenge in The Atheists' Tragedy," Annual Conference of Medieval,
Renaissance and Baroque Studies, University of Miami, 2002
"Empson on Donne," MLA, 2001
"Sonnets and Visual Memory," International Spenser Conference, 2001
"The Character Issue in Shakespearean Romance," SAA, 2001
"Dreaming as a Rite of Passage in The Faerie Queene" and "Warren's Long Lines in the
Late Lyrics," MLA, 2000
"Shadowing Lucretius in Paradise Lost," MLA, 1999
"Representations of Dreaming from Preromantic to Romantic Poetry," International
Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS), Dublin, Ireland, 1999
"'Such Tricks Hath Strong Imagination': Agency, Seduction, and Dream Theaters
in The Faerie Queene," RSA, 1999 (an abstract appeared in Spenser Newsletter 30.2 [1999]: 34.)
"Erotic Dreams in Lyrics of Donne and Jonson," Annual Conference of Medieval,
Renaissance and Baroque Studies, University of Miami, 1999
"The Historical Ideal in the Late Poetry of Robert Penn Warren," Panel Arranged by the
Robert Penn Warren Circle at the ALA, Baltimore, 1999
"Jorie Graham's Philosophy of Language," Conference on Innovation and Tradition in
Contemporary Poetry, Barnard College, April 1999
"The Janus-Face of Early Modern Literary Studies: Negotiating the Boundaries of
Interactivity in an Electronic Journal for the Humanities," Oxford University, 1997
"'To Make Dreams Truths, and Fables Histories': Dreaming in The Faerie
Queene," Conference on Sleep, Dreams, and Visions, Toronto, 1997
"The Spectacle of Music in the Jonsonian Masque," SAA, 1995
2020- Co-chair of Peoplehood, Boston-Haifa Partnership, Combined Jewish Philanthropies
2019-2020 Education Board, Boston-Haifa Partnership, Combined Jewish Philanthropies
2019-2020 Committee member, Essay Prize, Department of English, University of Haifa
2017 Co-organizer, Poetry Now, University of Haifa (with Tel Aviv University)
2016-2017 Co-organizer, Renaissance Poetry and the Bible, Israel Institute for Advanced Study
2016- Judge, Liz Miller Prize in Creative Writing, University of Haifa
2015-2017 Judge, Annual Non-Fiction Competition for the Chestatee Review
2014-2015 Judge, Southern Literary Festival: Formal Essay Category
2012-2015 Judge, Daniel Prize in Expository Writing, Sewanee
2009-2010 Faculty Issues Committee, Boston University, Writing Program
2008-2009 Pilot Program for Portfolio Teaching, BU, Writing Program
2007 Undergraduate Committee, Department of English, University of Kentucky (UK)
2006-2007 Graduate Committee, Department of English, UK
2005-2007 Hiring Committees in Renaissance, Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Lit, UK
2004-2007 Committee on Scholarships in the College of Arts and Sciences, UK
2002-05 Junior Faculty Representative, Departmental Executive Committee, UK
2002-04 Committee on Faculty Merit Evaluation Reviews, UK
2001-03, 2006 Co-Director, Job Placement Committee, UK
2001-2007 Judaic Studies Afflilate; Judge, Luckens Prize in International Jewish Thought, UK
2002-2007 Executive Committee, Center for Renaissance Studies, Newberry Library
2003-2007 Co-Chair, Romance and Epic Seminar, Newberry Library
1999-2002 Spenser Review, contributing editor
1997-2000 Medieval-Renaissance Colloquium, Co-Coordinator, Yale University
Teaching experience
Literature and Composition
Academic Writing I and II
Advanced Non-Fiction
Introduction to Literature: Poetry and Drama
Major Authors from Homer to Dante
Bible as Literature
Introduction to British Literature
William Shakespeare
Marriage in Shakespeare and Jane Austen
John Donne
Early Modern Poetry and the Bible
Renaissance Love Poetry
Poetry and Theory of Seventeenth-Century England
John Milton
Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Victorian Novel
Love and Marriage in Victorian Literature
Philip Pullman
Contemporary Poetry
Representing Dreams from Genesis to Inception
Mental Illness and Literature: Advanced Writing
Bible as Literature
Introduction to Graduate Studies
Biblical Hebrew
John Milton
Early Modern Poetry and the Bible
Milton's Visionary Influence from Romanticism to Philip Pullman
Nineteenth-Century American Poetry
The Victorian Novel
Word and Image
Modern American Poetry
Modern American Fiction
Modern British Poetry
American Expatriates
Virginia Woolf
Contemporary Postcolonial Lyric Poetry
Perceptions of Disease and Aging in Literature
Hebrew, Latin, French, and Spanish
Referee for:
Ashgate, McGraw Hill, Longman, Routledge, Twentieth-Century Literature
MA Exam supervision (Haifa): Elizabeth Tay
MA Theses supervision:
Ola Salem, “Twelfth Night and Same-Sex Friendship,” Arab Academic College, Haifa, 2018-2020
Athar ElHaleem, “Gender Trouble in Twelfth Night,” Arab Academic College, Haifa, 2018-2020
Narjes Awad, “Cross-dressing in Twelfth Night,” Arab Academic College, Haifa, 2016-2017
Lee Daniels, “Travel and Identity in the Early Poems of James Merrill,” Sewanee School
of Letters, 2019
Jayne Bibb, “Gardens in the English Novel,” Sewanee School of Letters, 2017
Fran Ula, "The Art of the Catalog, Poetic Vocation, and Self-Doubt in ‘Song of Myself,’"
Sewanee School of Letters, 2016
Dillon Stevens, "Philo and the Gospel of Mark," Sewanee School of Letters and School of Theology,
Catherine Louise Kennedy, "Satire and Letter-Writing in Tobias Smollett," Sewanee School of
Letters, 2015
2020-- PhD candidate, University of St Andrews, Scotland
Emily Roberson Wallace, "Birds in the Novels of the Brontes and Charles Dickens," Sewanee
School of Letters, 2014 –article excerpted from the thesis appeared in Bronte Studies 41 (2016)
Donna Brewer, "Dame Judi Dench: The Early Years," Sewanee School of Letters, 2014
Article excerpted from the thesis appeared in Shakespeare Newsletter
2018—Assistant Professor, Motlow State College, Tennessee
Cory Robinson, "Magic and the Feminine in Contemporary Science Fiction," Sewanee School
of Letters, 2013
2018-- Assistant Professor at Kutztown University, Pennsylvania, USA